Jean-Baptiste Bernadet & Benoit Platéus
If There Is A Chance
Karma, New York, 2011
16 pages
10 × 8 inches
Made during the artists’ recent residencies in New York, along with those made by Bernadet during his residency at the Chinati Foundation in Marfa, Texas, each copy has been individually collated by the artists, so that every book has a unique sequence of images, creating multiple relationships and different dialogues.
Bernadet aims to let the painting itself direct the process by which it is made. Each of his gestures are either acts of invention or destruction that build a tension between disillusion and hope, pessimism and faith, the taste for the unfinished and the desire of achievement, the will to be clear and the inclination to enigmas.
Platéus however, is a restless observer, who is precise, discrete and malicious. He introduces a distance between objects and their perception in order to shift them to the other side of a space with variable dimensions and multiple interpretations.