× Peter Halley
    Peter Halley, Paintings and Drawings 1980-81

    Peter Halley
    Paintings and Drawings 1980-81
    Text by Chris Byrne
    Karma​/​Craig Starr Gallery, 2023

    Peter Halley, Conduits

    Peter Halley
    Conduits: Paintings from the 1980s
    Text by Michelle Cotton, Tim Griffin, Paul Pieroni
    Mudam Luxembourg​/​Hatje Cantz, 2023


    Peter Halley, Selected Essays: 1981-2001

    Peter Halley
    Selected Essays: 1981-2001
    Text by Richard Milazzo
    Edgewise Press, New York, 2013

    Richard Milazzo, Skewed

    Richard Milazzo
    Skewed: Ruminations on the Writings and Works of Peter Halley with New Paintings by the Artist
    Galleria Mazzoli, Modena, 2016

    Peter Halley, Boats Crosses Trees Figures Gouaches 1977–78 Poster

    Peter Halley
    Boats Crosses Trees Figures Gouaches 1977–78 Poster
    Karma, New York, 2017


    Peter Halley, Paintings of the 1980s

    Peter Halley
    Paintings of the 1980s: The Catalogue Raisonné
    JRP|Ringier, 2019


    Peter Halley, Since 2000

    Peter Halley
    Since 2000
    Musée d'art moderne Saint-Etienne Métropole​/​Marauni & Noirhomme, Brussels, 2014

    Peter Halley, Boats Crosses Trees Figures 1977-78

    Peter Halley
    Boats Crosses Trees Figures 1977-78
    Text by Richard Speer
    Karma, New York, 2017


    Peter Halley,  Boats Crosses Trees Figures 1977-78 Special Edition

    Peter Halley
    Boats Crosses Trees Figures 1977-78
    Special Edition
    Karma, New York, 2017