Mungo Thomson, Time Life
Mungo Thomson

Time Life
Text by Hal Foster, Lisa Gitelman
Karma, New York, 202

Sally Gabori
Sally Gabori

Text by Nicholas Evans, Judith Ryan, Bruce McLean
Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, 2022

Woody De Othello, Maybe Tomorrow
Woody De Othello

Maybe Tomorrow
Text by Jason R. Young. Interview by Arlene Shechet, Allie Biswas
Karma, New York, 2023

    Ari Marcopoulos, Transitions and Exits

    Ari Marcopoulos
    Transitions and Exits
    Powerhouse Books, New York, 2000

    Ricardo Montez, Keith Haring's Line

    Ricardo Montez
    Keith Haring's Line
    Race and the Performance of Desire
    Duke University Press, 2020


    Yves Saint Laurent's Studio: Mirror and Secrets

    Jérômine Savignon
    Yves Saint Laurent's Studio: Mirror and Secrets
    Actes Sud​/​Fondation Pierre Berge-Yves Saint Laurent, 2015


    Fashion Work: 25 Years of Art in Fashion

    Jeppe Ugelvig
    Fashion Work: 25 Years of Art in Fashion
    Damiani, 2020


    Kenji Kanesaka, Super-American Dream

    Kenji Kanesaka
    Super-American Dream
    Kodansha, Tokyo, 1976

    Nobuyoshi Araki, Diary Sentimental Journey

    Nobuyoshi Araki
    Diary Sentimental Journey
    Shinchosha Company, 1991

    The Soul of a Nation Reader

    The Soul of a Nation Reader
    Writings by and about Black American Artists, 1960–1980

    Edited with text by Mark Godfrey, Allie Biswas, Zoé Whitley
    Gregory R. Miller & Co., 2021


    Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power

    Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power
    Text by Mark Godfrey, Zoé Whitley, Linda Goode Bryant, Susan E. Cahan, David Driskell, Edmund Barry Gaither, Jae Jarrell, Wadsworth Jarrell, Samella Lewis
    D.A.P./Tate, 2017


    Organic Music Societies

    Organic Music Societies
    Text by Lawrence Kumpf, Magnus Nygren, Keith Knox, Rita Knox, Bengt af Klintberg, Iris R. Orton, Åke Holmquist, Pandit Pran Nath, John Esam, Michael Lindfield, Sidsel Paaske, George Trolin, Alan Halkyard, Moki Cherry, Don Cherry, Ben Young, Christer Bothén, Bengt Berger, Fumi Okiji. Interviews by Keith Knox & Rita Knox with Don Cherry, Terry Riley, Steve Roney
    Blank Forms Editions, 2021

    Joel Meyerowitz, Wild Flowers

    Joel Meyerowitz
    Wild Flowers
    Text by Joel Meyerowitz, Maggie Barrett
    Damiani, 2021

    Cy Twombly, The Printed Graphic Work Catalogue Raisonné

    Cy Twombly
    The Printed Graphic Work Catalogue Raisonné
    Edited by Heiner Bastian
    Schirmer​/​Mosel, 2017


    Picasso and Paper

    Pablo Picasso
    Picasso and Paper
    Text by Violette Andres, Stephen Coppel, Ann Dumas, Emmanuelle Hincelin, Christopher Lloyd, Emilia Philippot, Johan Popelard, Claustre Rafart Planas, William H. Robinson
    Royal Academy of Arts, 2020


    Robert Mapplethorpe, Banana With Keys

    Robert Mapplethorpe
    Exhibition invite
    Robert Samuel Gallery, New York, 1979

    Roe Ethridge, Apple and Black Glove 2020

    Roe Ethridge
    Apple and Black Glove 2020
    Longsleeve 100% cotton shirt


    Edited by Randy Kennedy and Natacha Polaert. Text by Randy Kennedy
    Hassla and Off Paradise, 2021


    Brice Marden, Attendants, Bears, and Rocks Deluxe Edition

    Brice Marden
    Attendants, Bears, and Rocks
    Deluxe edition
    Essay by Jean-Pierre Criqui
    Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, 2002

    Arthur Jafa, MAGNUMB

    Arthur Jafa
    Edited by Lærke Rydal Jørgensen, Mathias Ussing Seeberg. Text by Poul Erik Tøjner, Mathias Ussing Seeberg, Nahum Chandler, Jared Sexton, NourbeSe Philip
    Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2021

    Noguchi, New Sculpture: May 6-4 June 1983

    New Sculpture: May 6-4 June 1983
    Text by Dore Ashton
    Pace Gallery Publications, New York, 1983

    Roy Lichtenstein

    Roy Lichtenstein
    Roy Lichtenstein
    Text by James Demetrion, John Coplans
    Pasadena Art Museum, 1967

    Jean-Michel Basquiat, Made in Japan

    Jean-Michel Basquiat
    Made in Japan
    Blue Sheep, Tokyo, 2019