Dike Blair
Text by Jeff Rian
Karma, New York, 2015
416 pages, hardcover
9 × 7 1⁄2 inches
Edition of 500
“The gouaches are outtakes from a global agora visibly altered by photography, telecommunications, and satellite surveillance … they document intimate contemporary sensation, the things we imbibe, the places we drift through in a world reconfigured for entertainment.”
Dike Blair: Gouaches surveys the artist’s entire oeuvre in this medium, chronicling four decades of colorful, hyper-realistic gouache on paper works. Pursuing a wide range of subject matter–Shelter Island, haphazard stacks of books, cocktails and cigarettes, parking lots, nighttime swimming pools, Japanese cuisine, and obscured window frames, to name a few–the myriad objects and scenery are unified by Blair’s meticulous attention to detail and his fresh perspective on what it is we consume.