Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power
Text by Mark Godfrey, Zoé Whitley, Linda Goode Bryant, Susan E. Cahan, David Driskell, Edmund Barry Gaither, Jae Jarrell, Wadsworth Jarrell, Samella Lewis
D.A.P./Tate, 2017
Organic Music Societies
Text by Lawrence Kumpf, Magnus Nygren, Keith Knox, Rita Knox, Bengt af Klintberg, Iris R. Orton, Åke Holmquist, Pandit Pran Nath, John Esam, Michael Lindfield, Sidsel Paaske, George Trolin, Alan Halkyard, Moki Cherry, Don Cherry, Ben Young, Christer Bothén, Bengt Berger, Fumi Okiji. Interviews by Keith Knox & Rita Knox with Don Cherry, Terry Riley, Steve Roney
Blank Forms Editions, 2021
Cy Twombly
The Printed Graphic Work Catalogue Raisonné
Edited by Heiner Bastian
Schirmer/Mosel, 2017
Pablo Picasso
Picasso and Paper
Text by Violette Andres, Stephen Coppel, Ann Dumas, Emmanuelle Hincelin, Christopher Lloyd, Emilia Philippot, Johan Popelard, Claustre Rafart Planas, William H. Robinson
Royal Academy of Arts, 2020
Edited by Randy Kennedy and Natacha Polaert. Text by Randy Kennedy
Hassla and Off Paradise, 2021
Brice Marden
Attendants, Bears, and Rocks
Deluxe edition
Essay by Jean-Pierre Criqui
Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, 2002
Arthur Jafa
Edited by Lærke Rydal Jørgensen, Mathias Ussing Seeberg. Text by Poul Erik Tøjner, Mathias Ussing Seeberg, Nahum Chandler, Jared Sexton, NourbeSe Philip
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2021
New Sculpture: May 6-4 June 1983
Text by Dore Ashton
Pace Gallery Publications, New York, 1983
Francesca Woodman
On Being an Angel
Text by Anna Tellgren, Daniel Birnbaum, Ann-Sofie Noring, Lena Esseling, Anna-Karin Palm, George Woodman
Koenig Books, 2016
Gerhard Richter
Painting After All
Text by Sheena Wagstaff, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Briony Fer, HAl Foster, Peter Geimer, Brinda Kumar, Andre Rottmann
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2020
Tabboo! 1982-88
Special Edition
Text by Jarrett Earnest
Gordon Robichaux/Karma Books, New York, 2021
Herman Melville
Moby Dick Filet No. 114
Illustrated by Raymond Pettibon
Harpune Verlag, Vienna, 2020