Marley Freeman
Marley Freeman
Poems by Eileen Myles
Texts by Cathleen Chaffee, Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves, and Francesca Wade
Karma, New York, 2023
Laura Owens & Vincent Van Gogh
Text by Maja Hoffmann, Bice Curiger, Mark Godfrey, Jacob Eisenmann, Julia Marchand
Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles/Walther König, 2021
Keith Haring
À la Citadelle de Saint-Tropez
Text by Doriano Navarra, Lio Malca, Sébastien Moreu, Gilles de Bure
Éditions Enrico Navarra, Paris, 2021
David Wojnarowicz
Rimbaud In New York 1978-79
Text by Tom Rauffenbart, Andrew Roth, Jim Lewis
PPP Editions, 2004
Jean-Michel Basquiat
King Pleasure©
Text by Lisane Basquiat, Jeanine Heriveaux, Nora Fitzpatrick, Ileen Gallagher
Rizzoli Electa, 2022
Andrew Cranston, Reggie Burrows Hodges, Ulala Imai, Nathaniel Oliver
Text by Tomasi di Lampedusa, Assata Shakur
Karma, New York, 2022
Semina Culture: Wallace Berman & His Circle
Text by Michael Duncan, Kristine McKenna, Stephen Fredman
D.A.P./Santa Monica Museum of Art, 2015
Susan Rothenberg
On Both Sides of My Line: Susan Rothenberg's Early Horse Paintings
Text by Joan Jonas, Michael Auping, Mary Heilmann
Gray, 2022
Donald Baechler
Victim of Improvement: Telegrams, Stories, Letters, Monologues, Interviews 1985-2006
Text by Richard Milazzo
Edgewise Press, New York, 2017
Nathaniel Hawthorne
The House of the Seven Gables
Illustrations by Alex Katz
Karma, New York, 2022
Cookie Mueller
Walking Through Clear Water in a Pool Painted Black: Collected Stories
Introduction by Olivia Laing
Semiotext(e), 2022